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Snowflake Ingestion Guide: Setup & Prerequisites

In order to configure ingestion from Snowflake, you'll first have to ensure you have a Snowflake user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role or MANAGE GRANTS privilege.

Snowflake Prerequisites

  1. Create a DataHub-specific role by executing the following queries in Snowflake. Replace <your-warehouse> with an existing warehouse that you wish to use for DataHub ingestion.

    create or replace role datahub_role;
    -- Grant access to a warehouse to run queries to view metadata
    grant operate, usage on warehouse "<your-warehouse>" to role datahub_role;

    Make note of this role and warehouse. You'll need this in the next step.

  2. Create a DataHub-specific user by executing the following queries. Replace <your-password> with a strong password. Replace <your-warehouse> with the same warehouse used above.

    create user datahub_user display_name = 'DataHub' password='<your-password>' default_role = datahub_role type='LEGACY_SERVICE' default_warehouse = '<your-warehouse>';
    -- Grant access to the DataHub role created above
    grant role datahub_role to user datahub_user;

    Make note of the user and its password. You'll need this in the next step.

  3. Assign privileges to read metadata about your assets by executing the following queries. Replace <your-database> with an existing database. Repeat for all databases from your Snowflake instance that you wish to integrate with DataHub.

    set db_var = '"<your-database>"';
    -- Grant access to view database and schema in which your tables/views exist
    grant usage on DATABASE identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant usage on all schemas in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant usage on future schemas in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;

    -- Grant Select acccess enable Data Profiling
    grant select on all tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant select on future tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant select on all external tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant select on future external tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant select on all views in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant select on future views in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant select on all dynamic tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant select on future dynamic tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;

    -- Grant access to view tables and views
    grant references on all tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant references on future tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant references on all external tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant references on future external tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant references on all views in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant references on future views in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    -- Grant access to dynamic tables
    grant monitor on all dynamic tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;
    grant monitor on future dynamic tables in database identifier($db_var) to role datahub_role;

    -- Assign privileges to extract lineage and usage statistics from Snowflake by executing the below query.
    grant imported privileges on database snowflake to role datahub_role;

    If you have imported databases in your Snowflake instance that you wish to integrate with DataHub, you'll need to use the below query for them.

    grant IMPORTED PRIVILEGES on database "<your-database>" to role datahub_role;  

Next Steps

Once you've done all of the above in Snowflake, it's time to move on to configuring the actual ingestion source within DataHub.