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Emitting Patch Updates to DataHub

Why Would You Use Patch

By default, most of the SDK tutorials and APIs involve applying full upserts at the aspect level, e.g. replacing the aspect entirely. This means that when you want to change even a single field within an aspect without modifying others, you need to do a read-modify-write to avoid overwriting existing fields. To support these scenarios, DataHub supports PATCH operations to perform targeted changes for individual fields or values within arrays of fields are possible without impacting other existing metadata.


Currently, PATCH support is only available for a selected set of aspects, so before pinning your hopes on using PATCH as a way to make modifications to aspect values, confirm whether your aspect supports PATCH semantics. The complete list of Aspects that are supported are maintained here.

How To Use Patches

Here's how to find the appropriate classes for the language for your choice.

The Python Patch builders are entity-oriented and located in the metadata-ingestion module and located in the datahub.specific module. Patch builder helper classes exist for

And we are gladly accepting contributions for Containers, Data Flows (Pipelines), Tags, Glossary Terms, Domains, and ML Models.

Add & Remove Owners for Dataset

To add & remove specific owners for a dataset:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dataset_urn, make_group_urn, make_user_urn
from datahub.ingestion.graph.client import DataHubGraph, DataHubGraphConfig
from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import OwnerClass, OwnershipTypeClass
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

# Create DataHub Client
datahub_client = DataHubGraph(DataHubGraphConfig(server="http://localhost:8080"))

# Create Dataset URN
dataset_urn = make_dataset_urn(
platform="snowflake", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD"

# Create Dataset Patch to Add + Remove Owners
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(dataset_urn)
OwnerClass(make_user_urn("user-to-add-id"), OwnershipTypeClass.TECHNICAL_OWNER)
patch_mcps =

# Emit Dataset Patch
for patch_mcp in patch_mcps:

Add & Remove Tags for Dataset

To add & remove specific tags for a dataset:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_tag_urn
from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import TagAssociationClass
from datahub.sdk import DataHubClient, DatasetUrn
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

client = DataHubClient.from_env()

# Create the Dataset updater.
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(
DatasetUrn(platform="snowflake", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD")

# Do the update.

And for a specific schema field within the Dataset:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dataset_urn, make_tag_urn
from datahub.ingestion.graph.client import DataHubGraph, DataHubGraphConfig
from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import TagAssociationClass
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

# Create DataHub Client
datahub_client = DataHubGraph(DataHubGraphConfig(server="http://localhost:8080"))

# Create Dataset URN
dataset_urn = make_dataset_urn(
platform="snowflake", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD"

# Create Dataset Patch to Add + Remove Tag for 'profile_id' column
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(dataset_urn)
patch_mcps =

# Emit Dataset Patch
for patch_mcp in patch_mcps:

Add & Remove Glossary Terms for Dataset

To add & remove specific glossary terms for a dataset:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dataset_urn, make_term_urn
from datahub.ingestion.graph.client import DataHubGraph, DataHubGraphConfig
from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import GlossaryTermAssociationClass
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

# Create DataHub Client
datahub_client = DataHubGraph(DataHubGraphConfig(server="http://localhost:8080"))

# Create Dataset URN
dataset_urn = make_dataset_urn(
platform="snowflake", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD"

# Create Dataset Patch to Add + Remove Term for 'profile_id' column
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(dataset_urn)
patch_mcps =

# Emit Dataset Patch
for patch_mcp in patch_mcps:

And for a specific schema field within the Dataset:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dataset_urn, make_term_urn
from datahub.ingestion.graph.client import DataHubGraph, DataHubGraphConfig
from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import GlossaryTermAssociationClass
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

# Create DataHub Client
datahub_client = DataHubGraph(DataHubGraphConfig(server="http://localhost:8080"))

# Create Dataset URN
dataset_urn = make_dataset_urn(
platform="snowflake", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD"

# Create Dataset Patch to Add + Remove Term for 'profile_id' column
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(dataset_urn)
patch_mcps =

# Emit Dataset Patch
for patch_mcp in patch_mcps:

Add & Remove Structured Properties for Dataset

To add & remove structured properties for a dataset:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dataset_urn
from datahub.ingestion.graph.client import DataHubGraph, DataHubGraphConfig
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

# Create DataHub Client
datahub_client = DataHubGraph(DataHubGraphConfig(server="http://localhost:8080"))

# Create Dataset URN
dataset_urn = make_dataset_urn(platform="hive", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD")

# Create Dataset Patch to Add and Remove Structured Properties
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(dataset_urn)
"urn:li:structuredProperty:retentionTimeInDays", 12
patch_mcps =

# Emit Dataset Patch
for patch_mcp in patch_mcps:

Add & Remove Upstream Lineage for Dataset

To add & remove a lineage edge connecting a dataset to it's upstream or input at both the dataset and schema field level:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dataset_urn, make_schema_field_urn
from datahub.ingestion.graph.client import DataHubGraph, DataHubGraphConfig
from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import (
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

# Create DataHub Client
datahub_client = DataHubGraph(DataHubGraphConfig(server="http://localhost:8080"))

# Create Dataset URN
dataset_urn = make_dataset_urn(
platform="snowflake", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD"
upstream_to_remove_urn = make_dataset_urn(
platform="s3", name="fct_users_old", env="PROD"
upstream_to_add_urn = make_dataset_urn(platform="s3", name="fct_users_new", env="PROD")

# Create Dataset Patch to Add & Remove Upstream Lineage Edges
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(dataset_urn)
UpstreamClass(upstream_to_add_urn, DatasetLineageTypeClass.TRANSFORMED)

# ...And also include schema field lineage
upstream_field_to_add_urn = make_schema_field_urn(upstream_to_add_urn, "profile_id")
downstream_field_to_add_urn = make_schema_field_urn(dataset_urn, "profile_id")


upstream_field_to_remove_urn = make_schema_field_urn(
upstream_to_remove_urn, "profile_id"
downstream_field_to_remove_urn = make_schema_field_urn(dataset_urn, "profile_id")


patch_mcps =

# Emit Dataset Patch
for patch_mcp in patch_mcps:

Add & Remove Read-Only Custom Properties for Dataset

To add & remove specific custom properties for a dataset:

# Inlined from /metadata-ingestion/examples/library/
from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dataset_urn
from datahub.ingestion.graph.client import DataHubGraph, DataHubGraphConfig
from datahub.specific.dataset import DatasetPatchBuilder

# Create DataHub Client
datahub_client = DataHubGraph(DataHubGraphConfig(server="http://localhost:8080"))

# Create Dataset URN
dataset_urn = make_dataset_urn(platform="hive", name="fct_users_created", env="PROD")

# Create Dataset Patch to Add + Remove Custom Properties
patch_builder = DatasetPatchBuilder(dataset_urn)
patch_builder.add_custom_property("cluster_name", "")
patch_mcps =

# Emit Dataset Patch
for patch_mcp in patch_mcps:

Advanced: How Patch works

To understand how patching works, it's important to understand a bit about our models. Entities are comprised of Aspects which can be reasoned about as JSON representations of the object models. To be able to patch these we utilize JsonPatch. The components of a JSON Patch are the path, operation, and value.


The JSON path refers to a value within the schema. This can be a single field or can be an entire object reference depending on what the path is. For our patches we are primarily targeting single fields or even single array elements within a field. To be able to target array elements by id, we go through a translation process of the schema to transform arrays into maps. This allows a path to reference a particular array element by key rather than by index, for example a specific tag urn being added to a dataset.


A patch path for targeting an upstream dataset:



  • /upstreams -> References the upstreams field of the UpstreamLineage aspect, this is an array of Upstream objects where the key is the Urn
  • /urn:... -> The dataset to be targeted by the operation

A patch path for targeting a fine-grained lineage upstream:



  • /fineGrainedLineages -> References the fineGrainedLineages field on an UpstreamLineage, this is an array of FineGrainedLineage objects keyed on transformOperation, downstream urn, and query urn
  • /TRANSFORM -> transformOperation, one of the fields determining the key for a fineGrainedLineage
  • /urn:li:schemaField:... -> The downstream schemaField referenced in this schema, part of the key for a fineGrainedLineage
  • /urn:li:query:... -> The query urn this relationship was derived from, part of the key for a fineGrainedLineage
  • /urn:li:schemaField: -> The upstream urn that is being targeted by this patch operation

This showcases that in some cases the key for objects is simple, in others in can be complex to determine, but for our fully supported use cases we have SDK support on both the Java and Python side that will generate these patches for you as long as you supply the required method parameters. Path is generally the most complicated portion of a patch to reason about as it requires intimate knowledge of the schema and models.


Operation is a limited enum of a few supported types pulled directly from the JSON Patch spec. DataHub only supports ADD and REMOVE of these options as the other patch operations do not currently have a use case within our system.


Add is a bit of a misnomer for the JSON Patch spec, it is not an explicit add but an upsert/replace. If the path specified does not exist, it will be created, but if the path already exists the value will be replaced. Patch operations apply at a path level so it is possible to do full replaces of arrays or objects in the schema using adds, but generally the most useful use case for patch is to add elements to arrays without affecting the other elements as full upserts are supported by standard ingestion.


Remove operations require the path specified to be present, or an error will be thrown, otherwise they operate as one would expect. The specified path will be removed from the aspect.


Value is the actual information that will be stored at a path. If the path references an object then this will include the JSON key value pairs for that object.


An example UpstreamLineage object value:

"auditStamp": {
"time": 0,
"actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown"
"dataset": "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:s3,my-bucket/my-folder/my-file.txt,PROD)",

For the previous path example (/upstreams/urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,fct_users_created_upstream,PROD)), this object would represent the UpstreamLineage object for that path. This specifies the required fields to properly represent that object. Note: by modifying this path, you could reference a single field within the UpstreamLineage object itself, like so:

"path": "/upstreams/urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,fct_users_created_upstream,PROD)/type",
"op": "ADD",
"value": "VIEW"

Implementation details

Template Classes

Template classes are the mechanism that maps fields to their corresponding JSON paths. Since DataMaps are not true JSON, first we convert a RecordTemplate to a JSON String, perform any additional process to map array fields to their keys, apply the patch, and then convert the JSON object back to a RecordTemplate to work with the rest of the application.

The template classes we currently support can be found in the entity-registry module. They are split up by aspect, with the GenericTemplate applying to any non-directly supported aspects. The GenericTemplate allows for use cases that we have not gotten around to directly support yet, but puts more burden on the user to generate patches correctly.

The template classes are utilized in EntityServiceImpl where a MCP is determined to be either a patch or standard upsert which then routes through to the stored templates registered on the EntityRegistry. The core logical flow each Template runs through is set up in the Template interface, with some more specific logic in the lower level interfaces for constructing/deconstructing array field keys. Most of the complexity around these classes is knowledge of schema and JSON path traversals.

ArrayMergingTemplate & CompoundKeyTemplate

ArrayMergingTemplate is utilized for any aspect which has array fields and may either be used directly or use CompoundKeyTemplate. ArrayMergingTemplate is the simpler one that can only be used directly for single value keys. CompoundKeyTemplate allows for support of multi-field keys. For more complex examples like FineGrainedLineage, further logic is needed to construct a key as it is not generalizable to other aspects, see UpstreamLineageTemplate for full special case implementation.


There are patch builder SDK classes for constructing patches in both Java and Python. The Java patch builders all extend AbstractMultiFieldPatchBuilder which sets up the base functionality for patch builder subtypes. Each implementation of this abstract class is targeted at a particular aspect and contains specific field based update methods for the most common use cases. On the Python side patch builders live in the src/specific/ directory and are organized by entity type.