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Version: 0.14.1


DataHub, now supports OpenLineage integration. With this support, DataHub can ingest and display lineage information from various data processing frameworks, providing users with a comprehensive understanding of their data pipelines.


  • REST Endpoint Support: DataHub now includes a REST endpoint that can understand OpenLineage events. This allows users to send lineage information directly to DataHub, enabling easy integration with various data processing frameworks.

  • Spark Event Listener Plugin: DataHub provides a Spark Event Listener plugin that seamlessly integrates OpenLineage's Spark plugin. This plugin enhances DataHub's OpenLineage support by offering additional features such as PathSpec support, column-level lineage, patch support and more.

OpenLineage Support with DataHub

1. REST Endpoint Support

DataHub's REST endpoint allows users to send OpenLineage events directly to DataHub. This enables easy integration with various data processing frameworks, providing users with a centralized location for viewing and managing data lineage information.

With Spark and Airflow we recommend using the Spark Lineage or DataHub's Airflow plugin for tighter integration with DataHub.

How to Use

To send OpenLineage messages to DataHub using the REST endpoint, simply make a POST request to the following endpoint:


Include the OpenLineage message in the request body in JSON format.


"eventType": "START",
"eventTime": "2020-12-28T19:52:00.001+10:00",
"run": {
"runId": "d46e465b-d358-4d32-83d4-df660ff614dd"
"job": {
"namespace": "workshop",
"name": "process_taxes"
"inputs": [
"namespace": "postgres://workshop-db:None",
"name": "workshop.public.taxes",
"facets": {
"dataSource": {
"_producer": "",
"_schemaURL": "",
"name": "postgres://workshop-db:None",
"uri": "workshop-db"
"producer": ""
How to set up Airflow

Follow the Airflow guide to setup the Airflow DAGs to send lineage information to DataHub. The guide can be found [here]( The transport should look like this:

{"type": "http",
"url": "https://GMS_SERVER_HOST:GMS_PORT/openapi/openlineage/",
"endpoint": "api/v1/lineage",
"auth": {
"type": "api_key",
"api_key": "your-datahub-api-key"

Known Limitations

With Spark and Airflow we recommend using the Spark Lineage or DataHub's Airflow plugin for tighter integration with DataHub.

  • PathSpec Support: While the REST endpoint supports OpenLineage messages, full PathSpec) support is not yet available.

  • Column-level Lineage: DataHub's current OpenLineage support does not provide full column-level lineage tracking.

  • etc...

2. Spark Event Listener Plugin

DataHub's Spark Event Listener plugin enhances OpenLineage support by providing additional features such as PathSpec support, column-level lineage, and more.

How to Use

Follow the guides of the Spark Lineage plugin page for more information on how to set up the Spark Lineage plugin. The guide can be found here
