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Version: 0.14.1

Documentation Forms

Why Would You Use Documentation Forms?

Documentation Forms are a way for end-users to fill out all mandatory attributes associated with a data asset. The form will be dynamically generated based on the definitions provided by administrators and stewards and matching rules.

Learn more about forms in the Documentation Forms Feature Guide.

Goal Of This Guide

This guide will show you how to

  • Create, Update, Read, and Delete a form
  • Assign and Remove a form from entities


For this tutorial, you need to deploy DataHub Quickstart and ingest sample data. For detailed information, please refer to Datahub Quickstart Guide.

Install the relevant CLI version. Forms are available as of CLI version 0.13.1. The corresponding DataHub Cloud release version is v0.2.16.5 Connect to your instance via init:

  1. Run datahub init to update the instance you want to load into
  2. Set the server to your sandbox instance, https://{your-instance-address}/gms
  3. Set the token to your access token

Create a Form

mutation createForm {
input: {
id: "metadataInitiative2024",
name: "Metadata Initiative 2024",
description: "How we want to ensure the most important data assets in our organization have all of the most important and expected pieces of metadata filled out",
prompts: [
id: "123",
title: "retentionTime",
description: "Apply Retention Time structured property to form",
structuredPropertyParams: {
urn: "urn:li:structuredProperty:retentionTime"
actors: {
users: ["", ""],
groups: [""]
) {

Update Form

mutation updateForm {
input: {
urn: "urn:li:form:metadataInitiative2024",
name: "Metadata Initiative 2024",
description: "How we want to ensure the most important data assets in our organization have all of the most important and expected pieces of metadata filled out",
promptsToAdd: [
id: "456",
title: "deprecationDate",
description: "Deprecation date for dataset",
structuredPropertyParams: {
urn: "urn:li:structuredProperty:deprecationDate"
promptsToRemove: ["123"]
) {

Read Property Definition

You can see the properties you created by running the following command:

datahub forms get --urn {urn}

For example, you can run datahub forms get --urn urn:li:form:123456.

If successful, you should see metadata about your form returned like below.

"urn": "urn:li:form:123456",
"name": "Metadata Initiative 2023",
"description": "How we want to ensure the most important data assets in our organization have all of the most important and expected pieces of metadata filled out",
"prompts": [
"id": "123",
"title": "Retention Time",
"description": "Apply Retention Time structured property to form",
"structured_property_urn": "urn:li:structuredProperty:io.acryl.privacy.retentionTime"

Delete Form

mutation deleteForm {
input: {
urn: "urn:li:form:metadataInitiative2024"

Assign Form to Entities

For assigning a form to a given list of entities:

mutation batchAssignForm {
input: {
formUrn: "urn:li:form:myform",
entityUrns: ["urn:li:dataset:mydataset1", "urn:li:dataset:mydataset2"]

Remove Form from Entities

For removing a form from a given list of entities:

mutation batchRemoveForm {
input: {
formUrn: "urn:li:form:myform",
entityUrns: ["urn:li:dataset:mydataset1", "urn:li:dataset:mydataset2"]