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Version: 0.14.0

Datahub's Reporting Framework for Ingestion Job Telemetry

The Datahub's reporting framework allows for configuring reporting providers with the ingestion pipelines to send telemetry about the ingestion job runs to external systems for monitoring purposes. It is powered by the Datahub's stateful ingestion framework. The datahub reporting provider comes with the standard client installation, and allows for reporting ingestion job telemetry to the datahub backend as the destination.

NOTE: This feature requires the server to be statefulIngestion capable. This is a feature of metadata service with version >= 0.8.20.

To check if you are running a stateful ingestion capable server:

curl http://<datahub-gms-endpoint>/config

models: { },
statefulIngestionCapable: true, # <-- this should be present and true
retention: "true",
noCode: "true"

Config details

The ingestion reporting providers are a list of reporting provider configurations under the reporting config param of the pipeline, each reporting provider configuration begin a type and config pair object. The telemetry data will be sent to all the reporting providers in this list.

Note that a . is used to denote nested fields, and [idx] is used to denote an element of an array of objects in the YAML recipe.

reporting[idx].typedatahubThe type of the ingestion reporting provider registered with datahub.
reporting[idx].configThe datahub_api config if set at pipeline level. Otherwise, the default DatahubClientConfig. See the defaults here.The configuration required for initializing the datahub reporting provider.
pipeline_nameThe name of the ingestion pipeline. This is used as a part of the identifying key for the telemetry data reported by each job in the ingestion pipeline.

Supported sources

  • All sql based sources.
  • snowflake_usage.

Sample configuration

type: "snowflake"
username: <user_name>
password: <password>
role: <role>
host_port: <host_port>
warehouse: <ware_house>
# Rest of the source specific params ...
# This is mandatory. Changing it will cause old telemetry correlation to be lost.
pipeline_name: "my_snowflake_pipeline_1"

# Pipeline-level datahub_api configuration.
datahub_api: # Optional. But if provided, this config will be used by the "datahub" ingestion state provider.
server: "http://localhost:8080"

type: "datahub-rest"
server: 'http://localhost:8080'

- type: "datahub" # Required
config: # Optional.
datahub_api: # default value
server: "http://localhost:8080"

Reporting Ingestion State Provider (Developer Guide)

An ingestion reporting state provider is responsible for saving and retrieving the ingestion telemetry associated with the ingestion runs of various jobs inside the source connector of the ingestion pipeline. The data model used for capturing the telemetry is DatahubIngestionRunSummary. A reporting ingestion state provider needs to implement the IngestionReportingProviderBase. interface and register itself with datahub by adding an entry under datahub.ingestion.reporting_provider.plugins key of the entry_points section in with its type and implementation class as shown below.

entry_points = {
# <snip other keys>"
"datahub.ingestion.reporting_provider.plugins": [
"datahub = datahub.ingestion.reporting.datahub_ingestion_run_summary_provider:DatahubIngestionRunSummaryProvider",
"file = datahub.ingestion.reporting.file_reporter:FileReporter",

Datahub Reporting Ingestion State Provider

This is the reporting state provider implementation that is available out of the box in datahub. Its type is datahub and it is implemented on top of the datahub_api client and the timeseries aspect capabilities of the datahub-backend.

Config details

Note that a . is used to denote nested fields in the YAML recipe.

typedatahubThe type of the ingestion reporting provider registered with datahub.
configThe datahub_api config if set at pipeline level. Otherwise, the default DatahubClientConfig. See the defaults here.The configuration required for initializing the datahub reporting provider.